Truly Inspirational

Susan Boyle’s story continues to inspire people all around the world and I am one of those people. Since she made her her first TV appearance in 2009 then aged 47, her life has dramatically changed. A dream that seemed un achieveable began to take flesh at 47 when other might have given up.

Her audition for Britain’s Got Talent was our first introduction to her (see here). Each time I watch this video, I am so encouraged and inspired by her faith in her ability and in her dream even after such limiting circumstnces. I am inspired that she did not give up but went out and gave it shot. And now she will ever be grateful to herself that she didn’t throw in the towel.

What do I learn from her? I am the only one who can stop my dream. When I give up, then its all up. But if I am willing to give one more try then there is a massive chance I will succeed.

Don’t ever give up on your dream. Don’t ever let anyone tell you you can’t do it. Believe, Work hard and Seize the opportunities you get and soon, you’ll be living your dream!

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